Monday, May 2, 2011

Mondays with Crosby

At 11:24 am, Crosby Fox turned 2 years and 18 weeks old!!!  We had lots of fun this week with our friends.  We headed to Cheekwood to see the train exhibit on Friday.  Oddly enough, Crosby isn't a huge train fan.  Don't get me wrong, he likes seeing them when we are on the road, loves going over tracks in the car, etc.  But you put Thomas next to a Matchbox car, and the car will win every time!   So I wasn't sure how long the exhibit would hold his attention.  It was a beautiful day so I figured it was worth a try!  He loved it...

Asher, Crosby and Jonas in awe of the train passing in front of them...
Tracks were everywhere!  It really was a beautiful to see...
Crosby's first (of many) attempt to touch the trains...
More train watching...
The trains were set at different speeds so the boys would run after them as they passed by.  Then they would spot another one coming down a different track and get distracted.  They were all over the place!
As you can see, the rails were at a temptingly low height.  I am not sure how many times I said, "Do not climb over that fence, Crosby!!!"
Another train...
One of the few shots of his face!
The boys were ready to run after 45 minutes or so.  Crosby and Lucas loved chasing each other...
Crosby had to show Asher the ant he found...
Melissa, Margaret and Wells were able to join us. Is Wells not adorable...
Crosby and Asher posing...
We all packed a lunch and let the kiddos eat at the park,  I asked Crosby to share his pretzels with Margaret.  He took that to mean he needed to feed her!!!  He thought it was so fun and she went along with it...
The kiddos...
We made one more stop by the train exhibit before leaving.  Crosby loved looking in this peep hole, waiting for the lady bug train to ride by...
Me and my boy...
We almost made it out of there without any major disasters.  Almost...
We noticed a some commotion going on and realized someone had derailed a train.  Yeah.  You guessed right.  Crosby climbed over the fence and managed to separate the engine from the cars and knock the cars on their side!!!  Lovely.  At least the employees were super nice about it.  What a mess...

 Today we were able to celebrate Lucas' 2nd birthday with our playgroup.  Can you believe they all sat at this table and ATE!  It was amazing.  No straps.  Just chairs for most of the crew.  And they actually stayed put.  Miracle...
The Graves Crew...
I can't believe I got one with the candle lit!  Lucas was super quick to blow out his candle!
Sweet Eli...
Lucas and Crosby eating their cupcakes.  I am pretty sure Crosby had taken a break to sing his version of Happy Birthday...  Hah puh duh pay to you.  Hah puh duh pay to you.  Hah puh duh pay Mr. Lucas.  Hah puh duh pay to you!!!!!  Pretty funny...
Somebody is enjoying his cupcake...
Miss Addy Lou...
Miss Mason...

Lucas cramming his cupcake in!!!  
On another note, I spent the day sneezing my head off with puffy, watery eyes.  I was an allergy MESS at the party.  Here's to hoping Claritin kicks in SOON...
Videos still to come.

1 comment:

Jill Fields said...

Ok, I am dying over two things:

1) the train wreck
2) the Easter outfit

Both are so precious in their own Crosby way!