And he did for all of 10 seconds...

Then he realized just how cold it was outside...

Crosby has started showing off lots of new tricks. One of the newest....
"Crawby sleep!"
"Crawby tired!!"
I mean, does he not LOOK like he is "tired" and "asleep" in these pictures??? ;-)
When you have stick, straight hair like me and the Cros, winter can be rough on the do. All he had to do was get in and out of the Cozy Coupe a few times and his hair went WILD. I don't know that this is a trick, but my goodness this boy has MAJOR static electricity in that head of his...
He had now clue that his hair was sticking up all over his head...
He just thought I was taking his picture for no good reason...
Posing without knowing...
Wow!!! He gets it honest. Blake and I both had the same fine hair when we were his age...
I just have to remember to ground myself before picking him up so neither of us get a jolt!
All of a sudden, Tennessee warmed up on Friday and Saturday. It was soooo nice to see the sun and feel it's warmth once again. Blake was off this weekend so we decided to take it outdoors. We spent Saturday morning at the Nashville Zoo. BEAUTIFUL DAY. PEFECT weather! Too bad I went off and left my camera at home. Crosby had his first experience in the actual playground area. We didn't even touch the padded mat area. He is too big for all of that apparently...:(
Sunday was a lazy day. We all came home and took naps after church. It was lovely. Crosby woke up and spent a little time cuddled up with Daddy watching random YouTube videos. The lighting was sweet so I had to take a few pictures of my best boys...
How sweet are these... Pretty precious, those two!
We had a playdate planned for this morning that fell through. Good thing because Blake needed us to bring Nugget to the clinic. I decided it would be the perfect time for a Snip Its visit. Crosby had other ideas. Snip Its not included! He has never resisted in the past so I was a little caught off guard. We coaxed him with a toy tractor and TWO suckers. She started snipping away. And snipped some more. And some more. AND SOME MORE. Needless to say, it was a little more than I had in mind. Crosby officially looks 12. He wasn't happy about it either...
"Look at my bangs, Mom!?!?"Actually, he didn't care about his hair. He was just mad that we had to leave Daddy behind at the clinic!
I had to save the sweetest trick for last. Crosby has started to sing the songs he loves!! Melt my heart, will you?!? He went from not singing at all, to singing well over half of the words from all of his songs overnight. And the ones he sings. Oh my. See...
Jesus Loves Me (aka "Baby Jesus") He requests this one every night before bed. Followed by Deep and Wide...
Twinkle, Twinkle
That brain of his sure is a BIG sponge!!! We might need to work on his key a little! Haven't heard that octave change business until tonight. It made for a good laugh anyway!