Monday, August 24, 2009

Mondays With Crosby

At 11:24 am, Crosby Fox turned 34 weeks old!!! We have seen a...different side of our little one this week. I am thinking he is in the process of teething. YIKES!!! At least I am hoping that is what we are in the midst of, I should say! :) I make it sound much worse than it really is. We have just heard a little more whining and have seen a lot more protest these days. He has the classic signs: drooling, irritability, refusing to eat, chewing on EVERYTHING, etc. I don't see or feel anything but surly to goodness there is something brewing in those gums of his!! Just as an example, this is my sweet, little cutie pie this morning when I was trying to feed him breakfast...

I had to throw that bowl out because he never gave in. So we tried again at lunch. And this is what happened...

He ended up eating a whole bowl of oatmeal and another jar of food. Not bad considering it took forever to get him to cooperate. He grumps for about 5 minutes. Then he starts to open his mouth like he wants to eat so I feed him. Then he grumps again with the food in his mouth. Swallow, grump and repeat!! He is still pretty cute, even when he whines!! Yes...he was still in his PJ's at lunch. So was I for that matter...

I had a sad moment last Tuesday. I decided it was time to lower his mattress. I am not sure why that was so hard for me to break down and do, but it was. I guess I want to continue to tell myself that he is a tiny, infant that is fine to be sleeping on the highest setting. Clearly, that is not the case so I gave in to my irrational thoughts...but only for safety's sake!! He isn't doesn't transfer from supine/prone to sit (I don't know how to word that other than in OT/PT terminology) but it is just around the corner. He has been on all 4's, which you will see below.

We tried out the fresh food feeder last week and that was a hit. Of course I had to video it. Nugget was very jealous of all the attention Crosby was getting. Either that or he knew we were eating tuna salad for lunch and wanted to lick the can...

On Thursday night, I got the bright idea to shove a bunch of spaghetti down the disposal. Before I even started, I thought, "I should probably just throw this in the trash." But I didn't listen to the smarter half of my brain and proceeded to shovel. We came home from small group with a sink full of water. Did I mention that I never even turned the disposal on? Genius... Anyway, Crosby has been feeling a lot like our pipes! I did NOT shove spaghetti down his throat, in case you were wondering!!! Something keeps jamming him up for one reason or another. We tried prunes and that seemed to do the trick. But we are back to a clogged state. I don't want to feed the poor thing prunes everyday. Some folks say I should try apple juice. But I am worried about the sugar rotting those...teeth that aren't in yet... I know I can water it down but I wanted to avoid the sugary beverages for as long as possible. Ahhhhh, what to do? And, in case you were wondering, I was able to remove the trap under the sink, by myself, and remove the spaghetti from the pipes. Well, I did have my dad on the phone but I still get full credit, right? :)

Mr. Prune Lips...

A little photo shoot. For some reason I like the naked baby on the bed pictures...
Hiding in the pillows...

On all 4's...

It is getting harder and harder to keep his slobbery hands of the lens...

See ya later!!!

Before I go, I have to mention this. I cannot believe it has been a year since that post. To think back on that day sends chills down my spine. I was scared beyond belief. My words did little to express the hopelessness I felt inside. At that point in time, I was confident I would lose a third child. Fear, anxiety, panic and doubt overwhelmed any sense of peace that remained as I felt my body fighting against the life growing inside. I sit here, one year later and feel nothing but joy. PRAISE THE LORD that HE carried us through the storm!!! What an amazing year it has been!!!!!


Anonymous said...

He keeps getting cuter and cuter!!

Welcome to the teething club--it's sad to see them in such pain. They just aren't themselves at all when they're teething. From the sound of your blog, Crosby isn't really eating any whole type foods yet, but when he does, may I suggest frozen peas for teething days? A friend's baby loved them and sometimes that's all I can get Liesl to eat when she's teething!! Also, Liesl would get backed up around Crosby's age, too. I started giving her a sippy cup with water and it cleared right up. (Didn't have to use sugary juice, either :)

I love reading your blog and am so happy for you and your husband to have Crosby. He's such a special little boy!

~~~Jessica Gilliam

P.S. I have canceled my blog so you can remove it from your list! :)

Johnson Family said...

my boy got stopped up right around that age too and apricots are another option to try out. (p.s. I'm Stacy W's big sis)

Jill Fields said...

Your bed looks beautiful! Please tell me you don't make it up everyday! I don;t even have a baby and can't get mine made!