At 11:24 am, Crosby Fox turned 10 weeks old! That just happens to be near his weight as well. As of Friday, he was 10 pounds 8 ounces with his clothes on! My guess, is he is closer to 11 pounds today. This little guy is chubing up so fast it is amazing!
We have discovered a love/hate relationship with swaddling now! He has been breaking out of his swaddling blanket at night, which wakes him up. One night, I walked in to see both arms up in the air but his legs were still nice and tight. When I went in a few hours later, I found his arms wrapped tightly and his legs kicking all over the place!!! I was wrapping the kiddo as tight as I could, too!!! I thought it must be time to retire the swaddle. But when we tried it, he couldn't sleep more that 45 minutes. Not to mention he was restless the whole time. I had to find a new way to keep Crosby wrapped up...that did not involve duct tape!! So, I made a trip to Baby's R Us and purchased a Swaddle Me blanket... It looks like he doesn't like it in the pictures below. Let me assure, you he does. He just wanted to eat instead of have his picture taken!
Works like a charm!! Those arms aren't going any where! Now one of my favorite things to do is watch him when I free his arms in the morning. He just stretches and smiles. So cute! Here are a few pictures of the process...
This silly baby has a new "favorite spot"...
You saw right! That is the kitchen counter. I discovered this one morning as I was getting his bath water ready. He was so happy, kicking, cooing and smiling. I managed to make my breakfast and eat it before we ever got to that bath! That was nice for me! Now we go through the same routine every morning. Well, he doesn't get a bath every day but we do spend a chunk of the morning in the kitchen now!
We have had a lot going on lately and have lots of pictures to share. I hope to get some of those up this week. You know how that goes... :)
danielle...darling pics of your busy boy!! heard your folks had a little trouble with crosby's diaper...said they weren't used to "velcro"!!!!!!! love it, too funny!!! the announcement is too precious....God did indeed give you the child you prayed for!!have a blessed week! love, bettie
Rats! As I was looking for the Bjorn to pass along to you, I came across 2 swaddle me blankets and I almost threw them in with the stuff in the bag but was certain you probably already had a ton of them and didn't want to bog you down with too much stuff. Well, if you want them, I'll bring them to you on Sunday. It's nice to have a few'll discover why one of these days when Crosby gets a little too comfy in them!
Cute pics as always! I look forward to Mondays now!
Aw, I miss that little stretch in the morning when they shake their little fists and poke their lip out. Sigh, it goes by too fast.
wow is that red hair i see on his head? great pics, danielle. thanks for posting them!
I have heard many raves about those blankets! Looks like Crosby can add to the list of good reviews! These babes sure do make good test subjects! So cute! You know, I have to admit, the kitchen is one of my favorite places, too! But for a tiny different reason! :) FOOD!!! Have a great week! jill
Thank you so much for sending the darling baby announcement to us in the mail! Crosby is adorable. I'm sure you mom told you that I have been "stalking" your blog for quite a while, keeping up with you. You probably don't even remember me, but I have some darling pictures of you and Blake with my girls when you all were little! Thanks again for sending it.
Melita Tomlinson
Will you post your announcement??
LOL- we had the same love/hate relationship and bought two Miracle Blankets when Natalie was about 8 weeks old. Don't ask me how long we swaddled....parents will do anything to keep a baby asleep.:)
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