At 11:24 am, Crosby Fox turned 28 weeks old!!! Goodness gracious, this baby is getting too big!
He had his 6 month pictures on Saturday. We got lucky! I called on Friday to see if they had an appointment for Saturday (the next day...procrastinator...) Wouldn't you know the line was busy the first 3 times I called. On the forth try, she proceeds to tell me she had just given out the last appointment time!!! Figures!!! So I told her to call me in the event that someone had to cancel at the last minute. How thrilled was I to see "Calvert's Photo" pop up on my caller ID at 9:00 Saturday morning, calling to inform me that someone had indeed cancelled their 11:00 appointment!!! Perfect! I had just put the little one down for his nap and he should be waking just in time to make it. We hopped in the car and made our way to the "middle of nowhere" (no offense Shelley :)) for another photo session! I can't believe he has taken 2 out of 4 pictures for his panel!! I was able to snap a few pictures with the "point and shoot". My good camera had a dead battery :(.

See...it is pretty isolated!!! And it sure doesn't scream "Portrait Studio" when you drive by!! :)

This week I discovered Crosby LOVES carrots. Eats them like a champ! I am ashamed to admit I have a rather vain concern about his love for carrots. I do not particularly like the orange baby nose syndrome that goes along with eating orange colored food. It would go quite nicely with the tiny strands of strawberry-blonde hair on top of his head. However, I would just prefer his nose and hair not match! How many days a week can he eat his favorites without having this happen??? I want to avoid it if at all possible!
I am sad to share Crosby had his first fever last Wednesday! I am pretty sure it was related to vaccines. I thought he was "warm" that afternoon and decided to check his temp. Sure enough...100.6. He didn't seem to notice anything was wrong. One dose of Tylenol did the trick. We have both been dealing with allergy/sinus/cold issues. Fortunately, I seem to have it worse than he does. I have not been to the gym or had them in the nursery at church just in case! I don't want to be that mom!! Let's hope it passes soon!
That is not the only reason we have been couped up in the house this week. This had something to do with it as well...

We are down to one car at the moment due to my lovely, little accident! Hopefully this will be better soon, too!
On another note...Thank you to the anonymous person who apparently called Crosby this week and talked with him about his untimely voiding schedule. He hasn't done it since!!! You are a miracle worker!! Now, if you could please call back and tell him there is no need to continue waking at 5:15am. There is no poo in his pants. It is barely light outside. He is not hungry. He has just decided 5:15 is a good time to start talking!!! Sure, I can walk into his room and quiet him down by simply replacing the pacifier in his mouth. But then I have to do that again around 6:15. And maybe even again at 6:45. I am fine with any chatter beyond that point because he usually gets up around 7:15 and 7:30. But 5:15...let's not. Do I NOT replace the pacifier and just see what happens? Try to let him talk himself back to sleep? But then what do I do with the monitor? Leave it on and remain awake with him? And keep the bread winner husband/father awake at the same time? There is some warning about change in sleeping patterns at 6 months. Maybe we are there!! My little one seems to be dependent on that pacifier of his to go back to sleep. Not good! At least, not good until he can replace the pacifier himself, anyway!! Any thoughts, ideas, tricks...
Crosby got to spend a little time with this cutie pie...

Scout came for a visit with her mommy. Crosby was really interested in this young lady. He watched her like a hawk as she explored our house. We had a hard time getting a picture of them together. Jaime had to keep Scout still while trying to keep Crosby upright!! This was as good as we could get!!!

I had a very happy baby this afternoon. Perfect time to pull out the newly charged camera!!

Looking at Nugget..."What are you barking at??"
Sweet cheese...
All was calm until dad came home. Then the bed was turned into a trampoline!! And Crosby LOVED it...
"Do it again..."
Sitting outside before bath time...
Crosby's new favorite thing to do in the tub. You have to hold the child down the keep him from trying to stand. He basically throws himself toward the faucet, nearly cracking his head open in the process!! He tries his best to grab the water but it keeps slipping through his hands for some reason!!! So fun to watch him explore and learn...
Love, love, love that smile of his!
We went through the same thing with Radnor at about 6 months. I found myself getting up 10 times a night to replace the pacifier. It got better when he was more skilled at replacing it himself. One trick is to put multiple pacifiers in his crib so he doesn't have to search really hard to find one. I remember the exhaustion and frustration of those days, though, but I don't feel like it lasted too long. Cute pictures!
What a cute pic of Crosby and Scout!!! Is there love in the air? An older woman could be really fun for your little guy! :)
Jaime LOVED getting to see you and Crosby! You mommies have come such a long road. I am so happy you are getting to enjoy your children together! Precious!
Love you~ Jill
none taken! i can't wait to see the proofs!! kate goes for hers on aug 8th.
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