At 11:24 am, Crosby Fox turned 27 weeks old!!! He has been here over half of one year now!! Somebody pinch this for real? Or am I in the midst of the greatest dream ever??? :) Around 7:00 each morning, I am awakened to the sound of this blue eyed boy chatting away in his bed. So this must be legit!
I am sure Crosby will kill me for sharing the "dirty" on him, but I need help. On 8 out of 10 mornings when I go to get the little fella up for the day, I find him with poo up and out the back of his diaper!!! Eeeeewwwww!!! Did I mention this was dirty? He has been wearing size 2 diapers for the most part and is about to move up to size 3. Since I have a few packs on hand, I went ahead and put him in size 3's at night to see if that helps. It did the first night. But then the next night (and several since), he had poo all up his back and on his PJ's again!!! We have been pretty loyal to Pampers since he was born because we have had no major incidents. But now this has started!! Sometimes I hear him chatter a bit around 5:45 but then he goes right back to sleep. So I am thinking that is when the damage is done. But if I go change him then, I am scared he won't go back to sleep...and that is really early. Obviously he is not ready to wake up at that time or he wouldn't go back to sleep on his own! So, is it the diaper??? Or is there a way to set his intestinal activity to a time that is convenient for me?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated...
We had another dilemma earlier this week. You may recall the incident where Crosby's peaches and rice cereal came up from his stomach and out onto his face, sheets and bumper!! I am sorry I am on such gross topics... Anyway, the next day, he started fussing when I put him in his highchair. Then he absolutely refused to eat any solids. The little stinker held those lips together so tight, swatted at the spoon, turned his head back and forth and banged on the tray!! He did this 2 days in a row. I finally had to take him outside and sit him in his bouncy seat in order to distract him enough to eat solids! I was beginning to worry the vomiting spell scarred him from wanting to eat again. Luckily, I think we are recovering from that ordeal! We made it back into the highchair without a meltdown today! It is just amazing to see a tiny baby protest so adamantly. I think we have a strong willed boy on our hands! Yikes...
On to sweet Crosby... We like to watch Blake play indoor soccer at the church on Tuesday nights. This past week, his grandparents had just returned from an Alaskan cruise. They were having "Crosby withdrawals" and had to come see him. Seeing how this falls during normal bath and bed time, Crosby starts to get a little fussy toward the end of the game. Blake's dad took him outside to swing and this is what happened...
What I did not capture on film was Buddy sleeping as well!!! He woke up before anyone could catch that one. Are these not the cutest!!!
Taking Crosby swimming has created a monster in the bathtub. We had water ALL OVER the kitchen. So we decided it was time to move the production of bathing to his bathroom. He looks so excited about the new location...
He likes to stand there and watch as the water fills the tub. He thinks he is such a big boy! Now he is as happy as can be and is free to splash all he wants!
Here is the perspective shot I failed to take last week...attempting to catch up on that one!
On the 4th of July, we drove down to Columbia and let Crosby take another swim. Needless to say, he still loves it. Here are a few pictures of him swimming with Blake.

And these are from Crobsy's bath earlier this evening. We have never gotten cute towel shots because he used to grump after his bath. He knew a bottle was coming and he wanted it as soon as he got out of the tub. He did not care to be dried, lotioned (don't think that is a word), diapered and dressed! Unlike me!! He has gotten out of that stage so now we will be taking more of shots like these...

We headed back to Nashville for dinner at the Farmers. The rain poured for most of the night but it didn't matter. We had a great time! You know you are an adult when you are excited for rain because your yard desperately needs it. I can remember despising the rain when I was...younger!!!
Crosby celebrating with 4th with Uncle Justin and Aunt Katie...
Crosby and Aunt Katie...
Family shot!
And these are from Crobsy's bath earlier this evening. We have never gotten cute towel shots because he used to grump after his bath. He knew a bottle was coming and he wanted it as soon as he got out of the tub. He did not care to be dried, lotioned (don't think that is a word), diapered and dressed! Unlike me!! He has gotten out of that stage so now we will be taking more of shots like these...
While we were doing work out in the yard earlier today (told you I am sounding older :)), I put Crobsy in the bouncy seat and let him entertain himself a while. Once I was finished clipping off my dead, dried, hydrangea blooms ( uugghhhh), I sat down beside him and started teaching him how to say "Mama" and "Dada". He thought this was HILARIOUS. Major belly laughs!!! We tried it again once we got inside and got a pretty good video!
Is that not adorable???? I could eat him up!!! I have watched this so many times me cheeks hurt. And I am smiling as I type... :)
And finally, I have to show off his improved sitting skills!!
I will again apologize if there are tons of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. But by the time I finish this at 11:52 pm, I just can't muster up the energy to proofread...forgive my laziness!!
Oh...and my sweet baby has his 6 month appointment tomorrow :(. Think of his little thighs if you get a chance. Will let you know how much this little one has grown!!
Personally, we always used Pampers until they went into size 3. After that we went to Huggies for the bigger sizes. I think they are longer and do a better job "covering" the job as they get older and start eating baby food.
The video of him laughing sure did brighten my day! You can't just watch it once :) LeAnne
Well, no advice about the diapers, but we Normans fondly call them blow-outs! Juli has become a master at laundering blow-out clothes, blankets, crib sheets, you name it! She could probably give you some good advice about treating such for scheduling blow-outs...not too sure...they usually seem to come right after you put on that precious, new, white, handsewn Lulu made to be exact! Those suckers just seem to know when it's dress-up time! Good luck!
Love you~ Jill
P.S. Love to towel shot! Those are such cute ones!
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