At 11:24 am, Crosby Fox turned 1 year and 28 weeks old!!! As usual, we have maintained a pretty busy schedule this week. The bad news is that I have (once again...) been
terrible about documenting our adventures with the camera. Then I get mad at myself on Monday's for not taking more pictures. I used to be a picture taking queen. I literally took my camera every where. I had to scrapbook everything we did. Let's just say I don't even know what a scrapbook looks like anymore.
That leaves me talking about our week in words! Thrilling, I know... At least I have a few pictures from our Tuesday adventures. It started with a trip the the Maryland Farms with our Twentynine Palms pals, the Normans. The kiddos had a good ole time playing in the pool. As usual, our fearless 18 month old was the only child his size going down the slide over and over and over. When meltdowns started to occur, we decided to head over the Joey's House of Pizza. Our youth minister talked it up in a sermon a few weeks ago so Blake and I have been eager to try it ever since! And you wouldn't believe who was leaving when we pulled up...David. Our youth minister! He was so excited we were there. A few pictures of our trip to Joey's. Keep in mind we are straight out of the pool...
Me and Jaime...

Jaime and Miss Scout...

John and Blake...

It was nearly impossible to get a picture of the kids. This is the best I could do. Scout and Crosby were exhausted and would not cooperate. Johnny and Charlie were a piece of cake!
Crosby, Johnny and Charlie...
Johnny trying his best to get a smile out of Crosby. At least Johnny looks sweet!

We had adult only dinner with the Normans and
the Morgans later that evening. It was so much fun to hang out and eat a meal
without worrying about the kiddos! Too bad I took my camera but failed to use it. We all looked pretty spiffy that night! Use your imaginations!
Crosby and I started a music class on Wednesday.
Music Together. I was worried that Crosby would be a wild man, seeing how he rarely sits down. But he was great and we really enjoyed it.
We were in Columbia on Tuesday, visiting my parents. My mom had a friend visiting and she wanted to meet the little guy. So we spent the morning watching him run around my parents house. And sure, I had the camera that day too, but took zero pictures. Mom did. Guess I should have gotten those!
We had a surprise 60th (yes I said 60th) birthday party for my dad on Friday night, although the big day was actually Sunday. Cake. Ice cream. A house full of family and friends. Good times. Mom has pictures of that as well. Should have gotten those, too.
Saturday was spent hanging out with the Normans minus John. We attempted the park but it was so hot we only lasted 20 minutes tops. Good thing
Phillips Toy Mart was right down the street! We spent an hour or so looking the store over. The kiddos were in heaven, or so they thought! We got home and attempted naps. Crosby was the only one that actually slept...his usual 3+ hours! Then we pulled out the sprinkler. That is where I got the first picture and this silly one of Miss Scout...
And here is a little footage...
And I know it is hard to believe, but things got a little more classy. Thanks to Johnny, we caught it all on camera...
Sunday was church lunch and a super sweet baby shower. Of course no pictures. Yesterday was playing with the Normans and Morgans in Spring Hill day. My camera didn't even make it to the car! Maybe Sonja will share...
It was a BUSY week but a fun week. This one will be very
similar, starting with an 18 month
appointment tomorrow. Only that won't be much fun for Crosby. 3 shots are scheduled. :( I'll have to let you know how it goes...
***sorry this was a little late. i was having problems with a video. found out it was because a certain little miss pulled off her diaper and a bare bum was shown! nice to know blogger is all about protecting the kiddos!!! so it is all Scout's fault! :) ***